Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Struggles of a Student

This blog post is about the struggle I went through to write a psychology paper in one night.... It is shocking; prepare yourself.

It is a good thing I was so delirious during my time awake because I would never have taken these "selfies" to document my two days awake. On Sunday morning I woke up bright and early at 8am, played a couple of softball games then dedicated the rest of my night writing the paper. I thought the paper was going to take maybe until midnight (I had started it at 6pm) to write. Nope, it took me until 6am the next morning. At that point I was pretty awake with the mass amounts of coffee I had consumed over the past twelve hours so I decided to go on a run and to lift weights. I thought I was going to pass out when I was done with classes for the day, which wasn't going to be until 5pm. But no, of course I did not. It wasn't until 7am Tuesday morning did I fully pass out and at that point I slept for twelve hours straight. 7am-7pm.

Lucky for everyone else, I was taking "selfies: throughout this process. Now, these are not the "selfies" that some people take that say, "how should I look if I were to feel this way?" or "I'm trying to look cute but say at the same time 'I'm in the library and only taking pics to tell other people I'm in the library'". No, no. These pictures tell a story of a girl who likes her sleep but was forced to stay awake. These pictures are real.

3:30am, Monday morning, Going strong. I'm thinking, "Why am I still in the library?" 
4:30am, can't keep my eyes open. My eye started twitching. Need more coffee.

5:30am. The delusional state.
I ate the entire bag Milanos! 
Crying. I never want to do this again.
After my classes, trying to fall asleep. I ate Cheez-Its. 

The time where I started posing with inanimate objects. A plate with balsamic vinaigrette, my 1000 tablet bottle of ibuprofen, and a disposable cup.

I finally showered at 7pm Monday! I hadn't showered after my games Sunday because I went straight to the library. 

7pm Tuesday thinking, "I just made Tuesday disappear. It's like magic."

Forever struggling,


  1. Caitlin, very funny.. After all that I hope you got a great grade on your paper.

  2. SOUNDS ROUGH!!! i'll have to admit i laughed pretty hard reading this... and you are right next to me! so it makes it even funnier!!!

  3. Great pix! Was the series of photos pre-planned just for this blog assignment? You have set the bar high for the rest of us. :)

    1. These pictures were taken last semester just for fun when I was going to school at Lewis & Clark College! My friends always think this kind of stuff is funny so I did it for their benefit :)

  4. YIKES! School can be rough!! Hope you got a good grade on that paper. ; )

  5. Its a hard knock life when you're on that school grind. The pictures made my night though

  6. Haha been there! It's truly the worst. Nice pictures though!

  7. I had psychology last year and I did an all nighter for mid term, it was awful, I was so tired, and at three in the morning I went on a chocolate and donut run, funny pictures
