Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stand and Deliver - Apple Scene


Scene opens with a male student wearing glasses in class looking towards the front of the classroom, while chatter can be heard in the background. Someone can be heard saying, “He looks like Julia Child, man,” as the scene turns to Jaime, who has an apron and a cook’s cap. He is seen standing behind his desk at the front of the classroom with a knife and a cutting board. The scene cuts to a student looking curiously at Jaime. Jaime is shown again; he dramatically cuts one of the two apples on the cutting board in half. The class is instantly quiet; the clip shows the male student wearing the glasses smirking slightly and Raquel behind him with her both open. The other two students in the shot are too out of focus for their expressions to be shown clearly. Jaime says, “whatchu got?” to a female student (possibly Claudia) with a piece of an apple. She responds, “it’s an apple.” The class laughs. Jaime responds, “How much?” “What do you mean?” She responds. Raquel is in the background still laughing and Jaime asks her, “Whatchu got?” Raquel responds, “Half.” “Good,” Jaime says in a German accent. He then says, “excuse my German accent. He turns to Ana to ask her, “Whatchu got?” Barely audible, Ana quietly says,  “twenty-five percent.” Jaime walks towards Ana and bends down so their faces are on the same level. “What?” He asks her. “It’s missing twenty-five percent,” she replies. He picks up the apple on Ana’s desk, turns it to look at the missing chunk, he then smiles. “That’s right. It’s missing twenty-five percent. Is it true that intelligent people make better lovers?” Jaime asks Ana. The class laughs. Jaime walks away from Ana’s desk to the middle of the classroom to ask Raquel’s male friend (can’t find his name), “Whatchu got?” “The core,” he replies. He is seen holding the core of an eaten apple. Jaime says, “You owe me 100%. I’ll see you in the people’s court.” The class laughs, again. Jaime walks to the front of the classroom to his desk. “Everyone please open your books to Chapter 2, page 26. Work on multiplication and fractions and percentages.”


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