Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dead Poets Society Notes Day 2

- Knox goes to Chris's party; he gets drunk
- He says Carpe Diem, downs his whiskey then kisses chris on the forehead when Chris is asleep; Chris's boyfriend beats him up
- Charlie submits an article to the school paper about the Dead Poets Society; the directors of the school have an assembly in attempt to find out who wrote it
- During the assembly a phone rings, it is Charlie's; he answers it and says "It's God. He says he wants girls at Walton
- Charlie is whipped in punishment; the dean of the school wants names
- Mr. Keating warns Charlie that there is a time for daring and a time for caution
- Neil's father comes to Walton; tells Neil off for wasting his time acting and deceiving him; asks if Mr. Keating is influencing him to do this; he says he needs to quit the play immediately
- Neil confides in Mr. Keating what happened with his father; Mr. Keating advised Neil to tell his father what he truly wants, instead of going along with what his father wants for him
- Knox goes to the High School to see Chris to tell her he is sorry; he gives her flowers and reads her a poem he wrote in front of her class
- Neil told his father about his acting - his father allowed him to stay in the play, even though he didn't like what Neil had to say about what he wants to do with his life
- Chris comes to Walton to tell him that Chet was going to kill him if he found out; Knox said she had to care about him or else she wouldn't be warning him
- Neil's father comes to the play
- Mr. Perry was furious at Neil after the play; apparently Neil had not told him about the play
- Mr. Perry told Neil he was putting him in Military school, and that he is going to Harvard to become a doctor
- Neil kills himself after the argument with his dad with his father's gun
- The red haired kid cooperated with the administration; they want to use Keating as a scapegoat
- Charlie got expelled
- Todd goes into the meeting with Mr. Nolan and his parents are there; he signs the document essentially stating that Neil's death was Mr. Keating's fault
- Mr. Nolan takes over teaching English; during the lesson Mr. Keating comes in and Todd bursts out that it wasn't Keating's fault; Ketaing was about to leave when Todd stands up on the desk to say, "Oh Captain, My Captain"; about half of the class follows (not including that red haired kid... they're soulless)


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