Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Visuals Speaking to my Experince

The small school of Lewis & Clark College... tini tiny

Still playing the game of softball in college (I'm #20 in the back)

This represents how professors held my hand at LC

"Take It Easy" by The Eagles
This represents how the student population just takes it easy... just living life.

"Temperature" by Sean Paul
The song my "friends" and I always sang to on the way to parties.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely not alone with the feeling of not knowing where you belong. I have been moving around every few years for most of my life because I was raised in a military family and now I am in the Navy. I live with a constant need to make myself belong somewhere. I have found though that it is easiest to just give in and make the best of wherever I am, otherwise I will not enjoy any of the time that I am there. I possibly have only about six years left until I can retire and find out exactly where it is I will belong for what will likely be the rest of my life, and that is kind of scary to think of. Don't rush to find a place to belong, life is full of changes and you may just find that you are always where you belong.
