Sunday, December 1, 2013

How do pages 32-37 relate to P#3? (11/14)

Although the section "Argument" is most closely related to the paper (as we are making an argument in our third paper), all sections (Classification, Comparison/Contrast, and Cause/Effect) all pertain to Paper 3. Classification is necessary in order to clarify facts and points in the argument. There needs to be explanation in the argument to make it clear, and therefore valid. If a paper is not clear, the argument will not taken seriously. I think Compariosn and/or Contrast is one of the most important factors in writing a persuasive essay. When I write persuasive essays I like to bring up a counterpoint, then make an argument for my points. In this section it has an example "Mom's vs. Dad's Form of Discipline". If I were "Mom", and arguing that my form a discipline were better, I would make an argument for my way, then bring up "Dad's" form of discipline, explain why my way is better, then reiterate my argument (or make conclusions for my argument). It creates a strong argument that doesn't leave the audiences thinking, "but what about that other way....". Cause and/or Effect is the last section; to evaluate why something happens and how that even occurred is essential to an argument. If one cannot identify why/how the situation occured, an argument cannot be really formed at all. In Paper 3, we should all (briefly) evaluate why the education system is how it is, instead of jumping into how to make it better.

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