Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gatto - Small Groups Discuss (11/12)

#8. Gatto states, "We have become a nation of children".

What does he mean by this?
    By this, Gatto means that we have become impulsive, ignorant, and innocent to the world around us. WE do not need to work hard, we do not need self-control, and we do not need to entertain ourselves. Everything has been provided for us in a way that we do not need to think anymore. We are so manipulated by politicians and commercials; we are passively thinking that everything said to us is true.

What, according to Gatto, would it mean to be adults as opposed to children?
     According to Gatto, we would need to challenge the ideas of others, as opposed to believing everything told to us. We need to judge what we have heard before deciding that it is true.

What should we be doing to ensure that our children are given the opportunity to grow up?
      To ensure that our children are given the opportunity to grow up we need to teach our children to think "critically and independently". We also need to teach them to entertain themselves, and enjoy solitude - children now seek companionship through the media, which is teaching them to always dependent on these technologies. Also, challenge your children with "grown-up" materials, such as "history, literature, philosophy, music, art, economics, theology."

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